Discord Rules
- The use of racism, sexism, harassment, or bullying is not permitted.
- Do not leak anyone’s personal information, such as date of birth, full name or IP etc.
- Do not misuse the bot commands. Make sure to use commands in the correct channel.
- Spamming is not permitted, spam pings of staff/members, spam text and commands.
- NSFW content is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
- All links are not permitted within the server.
- Advertising of any kind will not be permitted, such as DM advertising, self-promotion, in-game advertisement and VC advertisement.
- Do not beg premium members for the premium pack.
- Always follow Discord TOS.
- Do not use any foul language in any channel within the Discord.
- Do not argue or cause any issues for staff; this will not be tolerated.
- Do not post any explicit models or photos/videos in the designated channels.
To view these Rules in-game, use /rules